埃及妖后 - Cleopatra



調香師根據流傳古埃及妖后專用香水配方 , 揉合美國費洛蒙加以調配。由多種珍貴植物精華萃取而成 , 當中包括埃及獨有香料 , 製成神秘吸引的 東方變幻香調埃及妖后香油 。 只要點上數滴 埃及妖后香油 , 釋放難以言喻的感官香氣享受 。 Cleopatra by L'unica is a Oriental floral perfume oil for women . The bewitching and enticing perfume oil brings together intriguing notes of Damascus rose , tuberose , alluring jasmine , patchouli and delicious peach for the mysterious aroma. Applying a few drops of Cleopatra perfume oil , enjoy the incredible intoxicating aroma . 12 ML Made In Egypt .

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